I fumble and I fall with no sense I laugh and cry in every sentence
So listen now to words I have to say
and know that it's just me I'm trying to make us both happy
I'm fading when tongues are tied and hearts are far away
So listen now to words I have to say
and know that it's just me I'm trying to make us both happy
I'm fading when tongues are tied and hearts are far away
你遊遊蕩蕩惆悵徬徨 你跌跌撞撞幾次受傷
為什麼你 學不會不勉強
你不是不能賢慧善良 愛是陽光
面對愛你只能夠 選擇不隱藏
為什麼你 學不會不勉強
你不是不能賢慧善良 愛是陽光
面對愛你只能夠 選擇不隱藏